A framework that involves all stakeholders

Helping managers make decisions.

Which do not obstruct the line

and allows professionals to release their strengths

This framework is designed so that one plus one equals more than two


Advantages for the management level

·       Higher success rate in strategy implementation
·       Achieving sustainable results and impacts sooner
·       Earlier detection of risks
·       Less time spent on

o   Situation assessment
o   Decision
o   Acceptance of results

·       Trust in the performance of line and implementation level
·       Less budget sunk
·       Higher resilience and increased adaptability of the company
·       Sustainable positioning in the target market


Advantages for line and departments

·       Accelerates the answering of the following questions:

o   What is our goal in the measure?
o   What value do we add?
o   What should be changed to strike a balance between "still needed" and "needed in the future"?
o   What results and outcomes are expected?
o   In what time frame
o   What resources and skills do I have at my disposal?
o   Do I have the right framework to align, control and change our performance with the overall organisation?


Advantages for project managers and professionals

Provides confidence in answering the following questions:

·       What is the purpose of my contribution?
·       What are my strengths in contributing here?
·       Do I have the right skills for myself?
·       Where will I go in the future?
·       Do I have the right support and sponsors?
·       Do I have the possibility to communicate quickly?

Advantages for Transformation Managers and Enterprise Architects

  • Provides confidence in answering the following questions:

    o   What is the overall purpose (outcome)?
    o   Which processes, regulations and business areas are affected?
    o   Which operating models need to be modified?
    o   Which technologies are modified?
    o   Do I have the right knowledge carriers on board?
    o   What are the probabilities of success?
    o   Do I have the environment to work successfully with my team?
    o   Where to look for the relevant sponsors?
    o Which communication channels are relevant for success?

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